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Trail Etiquette
This Trail Etiquette poster was developed in the interest of fostering better communications and sharing of forest trails among multiple user groups. It is imperative that user groups work together to educate the public and each other about interacting in a positive manner.
This 11" x 17" poster is available for download (1.7 MB) as an Adobe pdf which can be printed and distributed to local user groups.
Volunteer Service Reporting
Volunteerism is one of the most important activities Back Country Horsemen can use in our effort to perpetuate enjoyable common sense use of horses in the backcountry.
It is important to understand that the value of volunteer service goes beyond trail work hours. It also includes time members devote to engagement in the management planning process. Other reported expenses like travel time, stock use, stock and equipment hauling, and in-kind donations add to the value of our volunteer service.
The volunteer service by Back Country Horsemen is consistently underreported. It seems that while our members are more than willing to volunteer their time and energy to maintain trails all across the country, many are reluctant to report the hours and expenses incurred in that effort.
The BCHA website has complete information on the importance of reporting the volunteer efforts of our members. Click here to access the Reporting Form, Guidelines, and PowerPoint presentation.

'Support the Horse' Colorado License plates
May 14, 2008 was a great day for equus Coloradus—the horses in Colorado—when Governor Bill Ritter signed Senate Bill 178 into a law creating a special license plate honoring the contributions the horse industry makes to the culture and economy of Colorado. The bill was sponsored by Senator Jim Isgar and Representative Marsha Looper, both strong proponents of the state’s agricultural interests.

Contact Us!
BCH of Colorado
Jay McDonald, Chairman